The Venture Bros. for Comic Relief UK

On May 1st at noon going into May 2nd at noon, Ken Plume of and Widgett Walls of held their second 24 Hour Marathon for Comic Relief UK. The duo brought together an all-star cast of celebs from all forms of geekdom including Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett of RiffTrax/MST3000, Frank Conniff and J. Elvis Weinstein of Cinematic Titanic/MST3000, John Hodgman, Jonathan Coulton, Paul and Storm, Adam Savage of Mythbusters, Weird Al Yankovic, and most familiar to the Adult Swim universe… Doc Hammer, Jackson Publick, and James Urbaniak. [AdultSwimCentral]
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Listen to Red Nose Net phone conversations:
Doc Hammer & Jackson Publick
James Urbaniak